Access Harvard FASRC through vscode without entering password & two step code every time
1 min read

Access Harvard FASRC through vscode without entering password & two step code every time

I usually get annoyed when I need to enter the password and two step verification every time when I need to connect to the server via vscode.

Worst thing is, I need to go through the same process when,

  • Opening a new folder on vscode
  • If connection gets disrupted

Luckily there's a handy solution as documented in the FASRC Docs. I found that doc page through stackoverflow $^\star$.

The trick is to authentication only once, then send our extra SSH sessions (vscode) through that connection.

Step 1 - Modify the ~/.ssh/config file

Step 2 - Open a background ssh connection

ssh -CX -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -fN harvard
🎉 Once you've done step #2 one time, vscode won't ask again for credentials because we have already setup a background ssh connection

I encourage you to read the original documentation for more comprehensive detail about these two steps.

Update : 2023.01.22 : For some reason this doesn't work if I try to initiate the first connection form the terminal. However if I do on vscode first then it works.
